Mont58 circular cup

Impact of choosing our Returnable Cup today

People in the UK get through at least 2.5 billion disposable cups each year. Switching to a returnable eliminates billions of cups from landfill.

Working in collaboration with Circular&Co. we are leading the way towards a circular future. We believe in the power of scale for good, and that each small change, each coffee you drink in a Returnable, can add up to big change for the better of our planet!

Pioneers of circular design for 20 years, Circular&Co. are driving the returnable packaging revolution. We are using their Circular Returnable Cup, because we know it is the solution to the single-use coffee cup problem.

Our Circular Returnable Cup is designed to last over 1000 wash cycles. That’s 2.7 years if you have a coffee every day.

After just 2.5 uses, the CO2 emission of the Circular Returnable Cup is offset versus a single-use alternative. This means that huge amounts of CO2 never reaches our atmosphere. The Circular Returnable cup is 100% recyclable up to 6 times, meaning no new material is required for 9 years. The cups are made by Cornwall based company Circular&Co.

We are hoping to move towards not offering single-use for takeaway drinks. Instead, for a £1 deposit you can now borrow your own reusable cup and bring it back to the cafe for a refill or a refund. You don’t even need to wash it – we’ll do this for you and give you a new cup.